Monday, July 27, 2009

Cool blog

Read this really cool new blog

The item about running a marathon reminded me on my activation day when my CI was turned on. I was asking when I will be able to hear something. A friend kidded me, saying "when you train for a marathon, start with step 1 instead of starting at step 25". It was funny the way it was said. It is true that when you are learning a new language or anything new, you start with step 1 instead of starting at step 25. For example, after many years of not hearing, I knew that even if I could "hear" with the CI, it would take a while for me to learn how to hear again. Started listening to little books on tape and reading along AFTER I started voice training. I also learned how to listen to different stresses on each syllable.

One of the best gifts I received was from another friend, an ESL teacher, who gave me a book written with English as Second Language students in mind. It was perfect for me!