Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Incredible Shrinking Sizes

Last weekend, we were shopping at one of our favorite shops, which is in the process of going out of business. The eight of us vary in sizes. I always thought I was at least a size bigger than everyone else in our group. One of them and I had a conversation about the size 4. I was recounting a blog I read about someone saying that one has to be a size 4 in Hollywood. I mentioned that I wrote a comment to this blogger, saying it was impossible to be a size 4 unless you were 5 feet tall or shorter. The blogger mentioned that when she was thin, she was a size 4. I said I was always a size 10 and I thought that was fine. I thought size 10 was a skinny size. At least two are a size 10, one is a size 8 and I thought I was a size 8, three are a size 4, and one is a size 2.

At the dress shop, I was looking for a pair of pants. Many of them were on sale. The sizes were either 2, 4 or 8. The 8 was too big on me. I asked the sales lady if there were any in size 6 and she said they did not have any in size 6.

Surprise!!!!!!! I tried on a long pair of pants (size 2), three pairs in size 4 and one pair in size 8.

Guess which size fit me? Size 4!!!! I could not believe that I am a size 4, despite drinking a Root Beer Float, eating a chocolate cake and totally pigging out the day before. BTW, it is unusual for me to eat this much! I have to keep in top shape for various reasons.

One wonders if I really am a size 4, or did they put the size 2's and size 4's on bigger pants, or was it just a fluke???????

Now I am laughing because I recall telling the blogger that it was next to impossible to be a size 4 for an adult woman! I recall being a size 5 at the age of 12 in another life when I was a teen model when I was several inches shorter than I am now.

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