Wednesday, September 10, 2008

when bad things happen to good people

Borrowed this title from a book. I was thinking about this theme after talking to a dear friend whose world is falling apart. I knew he was miserable. Some of the stuff happening to him had happened to me. How do I handle it when that happens to me? It is hard to think clearly when your emotions are involved. It is too easy to become angry. It takes a lot of practice to learn how to separate the good stuff from the chaff or the bad stuff. I choose not to let the bad stuff influence potential friendships or affect the happy times in my life. Life is too short for grievances. Yes, it is important to deal with the bad stuff head on but do not let it spoil the good stuff. Focus on the good stuff. Grandmothers often say "Do not dwell on the bad stuff".

There are always choices.

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