Friday, October 24, 2008

wish list - friendship

Top 10 things I am looking for in a friend:

1) kindness/wit/funny/honest/considerate

2) shares my interests

3) enjoys my company

4) good cup of conversation

5) respects my boundaries and shows me by example how to set healthy boundaries

6) respects who I am as a person instead of patronizing me

7) encouraging me to do my best

8) social

9) can laugh at himself/herself

10) knows how to enjoy life

What are your top 10 things you are looking for in a friend?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Music has a perpetual place in family life. One of my great-great grandmothers sang opera at Teatro Scala. My affection for classic music comes honestly. Several relatives sang in classical orchestras or played classical piano.

October is turning out to be a great month!

October is turning out to be a great month for many friends - a friend said "I think October is my favorite month!" then the next friend is saying "October is turning out to be a great month!". I am grateful for all the good things happening this month after a difficult summer (several friends going through rough times in different degrees). A friend worked for the past few months to put together a beautiful musical evening raising funds for cancer research. It was a worthwhile cause. It was practically sold out and the music was beautiful. I am delighted for him! He is the epitome of making lemonade out of lemons. He is my barometer - he does not allow bad things to spoil the joys in his life. I am in the process of learning how to separate the bad stuff from the good stuff. It is important to focus on the good stuff. A friend celebrated her birthday party at a new place I've never been to. The birthday celebration was fun. In a few days I am going to a halloween party at a friend's estate in the wine country. I had a whirlwind of wonderful social events including the birthday celebration. Some of us went to a fashion show at the design center. Lots of classics on the runaway and it was for a worthwhile cause. Also, I got to meet gorgeous guys! I am invited to many parties this month. It was my new friend, the fundraiser, who introduced me to a wonderful group of new friends. I am grateful for his friendship and he taught me so much about life. There is something to be said about six degrees of separation. I went to my first Columbus Day parade and saw an old friend. It was wonderful to see her, her husband and kids. Despite the turbulence of the current economy, people are making the best of the situation and life goes on.

Monday, October 20, 2008

auditory training - Part Deux

Also recommended for auditory practice:

"You are the New Day" by Kings' Players

excellent for auditory training - part 1

Some of you know that I got a Cochlear Implant several years ago. It is an ongoing process for me learning how to hear again after too many years of silence. Lost my hearing as a young child, then faced some years of white noise prior to surgery then activation. A good friend also got a cochlear implant. She recommended listening to books on tape for an hour every morning. She listens to a Bible on tape and reads along for one hour before her husband and kids wake up. Another friend also got a cochlear implant after years of wearing hearing aids. I discovered that listening to music on tape with my speech processor helps train the auditory part of my brain to focus on sounds.

For auditory practice, listen to Soave sia il vento - Così fan tutte: