Thursday, November 20, 2008

Attitude and Confidence

Knew it. The other blogger is starting to discover what I've known all along. Attitude makes a difference.

There is a book called "Men Like Women who Like Themselves". Like attracts like. I think the rule applies to both sexes. When a man is comfortable with himself, he is attractive to women. I went to a university where there were more men than women. One of my favorite boyfriends never lacked for a date despite the "shortage" of women because he acted like he was comfortable with himself. He made the best of his looks - haircut, nice clothes, good hygiene. Good social skills also helped.

I believe that it is possible for nice men to finish first. It has a lot to do with how they present themselves. I know nice women who attract good men because they are comfortable with themselves.

When I act comfortable with myself, I attract wonderful men.


inkdestroyedmybrush said...

my experience with women would show that confidence has a huge amount to do with being attractive. If you're confident, you don't appear desperate, and desperate carries even farther than confidence! no question about that.

learned that one when i was younger the hard way. ;- 0

Bibliophile said...

Happy New Year!

thanks for sharing your insights! Look forward to reading more comments from you in the future. Thanks for reading my blog!

Agree with what you said. my experience with men shows that a healthy confidence has a lot to do with being seen as attractive. I wanted to add something to what you said "if you are confident, you do not appear desperate".

A confident person also has integrity. A confident person never stoops to the level of someone who does them injury.

On another topic, did you read my post above about music or video?