Sunday, January 25, 2009

2009: So Far, So Good

As many of you know, for years now I have declared on the 31st of December: "This year HAS to be better." And that I have usually been disappointed, often cruelly. Well, this might just be the moment, my friends! Even if it's only comparative. But let's keep the good thoughts for the New Year for all of us--we deserve it.

New Year's Eve has never been my favorite holiday, but NYE 2008 was fun for a change. The charming Chase S. invited me along on a house party in the mountains (great skiing conditions) with a bunch of really nice folks from Savannah. We had several days of skiing (in my case), snowboarding (in everyone else's), drinking, homemade breakfasts (one memorable one included cheesy eggs, English muffins, rib-eye steaks,, mocking of infomercials (especially the "Snuggie"), and camaraderie.

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