Saturday, February 14, 2009

what do men/ women want?

Read this on another blog

This is only my opinion:

First of all, I was really sorry to hear about this blogger's good friend's painful confession of love. Hope this good friend moved on and found someone else who returned his feelings.

It makes you think. Someone said that people with low self esteem issues want what they cannot have. Someone told me a long time ago as a "dating tip" - pretend that you do not care when you really like someone. That was BAD advice because if the other person really likes you, then that person will think they do not have a chance with you, then move on! There is a fine line between getting too attached to someone and acting like you do not care. Perhaps a happy medium is "Enjoy the company of the person you are with and be reasonably realistic."

People in happy relationships know what they want and know what they can have. Instead of wasting time with people who reject them, they chose to spend time with people who like them for the right reasons.

Some people click with certain people and do not click with other people.

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