Wednesday, July 30, 2008

No Film Distributor?


Ideal world

Ideal world:

cellphones will include the option to turn on subtitles for movies and tv shows sent directly to cells

cellphones will have two way video conferencing like in the new Iron Man movie (one of my fav scenes)

more opportunities for hearing impaired actresses/actors in tv shows, movies, stage and other means of entertainment

more stories about women empowerment without hurting men

all movie theaters will offer rear window captioning and/or subtitles

all DVDs will have subtitles

nice men will fall in love and feel chemistry for nice women instead of mean girls

companies like Sony will work with cochlear implant companies to create speech processors in the same style as the new earphones for active people

Anyone want to share their vision of an ideal world?

Quote Log

courtesy of a funny friend:

Are you a blond?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Review of Dr. Horrible

It was a nice surprise to watch Dr. Horribe at with the option to turn on captions! Thank you to whoever took the time to add captions! I am happy to report that I was able to watch all three acts of Dr. Horrible. Now I know why it is getting great reviews. I am not sure why the term "geek" is used. To me, the "geek" looked like a real person to me. Whenever I watch a movie, I observe different characters. Some characters have different looks that one rarely sees someone who looks like that unless one lives in a big city like San Francisco or Manhattan. But in this sing along blog, all of the characters looked like people I've known in real life.

Act One.

The ability to receive the dialogue with the aid of subtitles added to my appreciation of the story.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Dr. Horrible discussion

How wonderful to see captions. For example,if you wanted to see the Simpson show on Hulu, you can turn on the CC box and the words come out. If you do not want captions, then there is no need to turn it on. It is a win-win situation for everyone.

Look forward to seeing Dr. Horrible on video again with the option of being able to turn on the captions.

Regarding Dr. Horrible comments

Caught the Acts 1-3 of Dr. Horrible on youTube, thanks to the heads up from Lis.

The discussion was very interesting and I wanted to share some thoughts.

First, I wanted to say that I appreciated feedback regarding captions/subtitles. A few days after I made some comments about captioning on the Internet, I was pleasantly surprised to see subtitles for Acts 1-3 of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog on the web. All I had to do was click on the CC box. It was the first time I ever saw anything like a movie on my laptop with subtitles. In the past, when I saw a movie on my laptop, it was a DVD rental. This time, I did not have to rent a DVD. I could go to and click on the Dr. Horrible video, then watch it!

Movies are not always accessible to certain audiences. These audiences include people who are learning English as a Second Language, people with varying degrees of hearing loss and people who cannot process auditory information. For many years, they had to wait for a movie to come out on Video and then DVD.

Now it is slowly changing for the better. With the advent of movies like Dr. Horrible and the willingness to include subtitles or captions, there is hope that despite the rapid changes in technology, everyone will have access.

Subtitles: When moviegoers see a foreign film, unless it is dubbed in English or has English speaking scenes, there are printed words at the bottom in the English language. I've known people who grew up watching foreign films because of the access issue.

Rear Window Captioning: When you buy a ticket, you go to the guest services and ask for a gadget that looks like the rear window for your car. It has a cup attachment so you can put it in the seat and adjust the window to read the words printed on the rear wall of the theater below the screen projector window. There are more movies with rear window captions in the theaters because some people object to subtitles in movies. They do not want to be bothered by words at the bottom. I really do understand their feelings. However, everyone deserves the opportunity to be able to enjoy movies.

Open Caption: It is similiar to English subtitles for Foreign films. This is for English Speaking films. They had open captions for movies like Pearl Harbor and Patch Adams. It costs a lot of money to rent an open caption print. It changed over the years. In the beginning, the captions came from one group (cannot remember which). Later, it was the studios or distributors who decided whether or not to caption a newly released film in the theaters.

Hope no one was offended by my comments.

My First Post

Received my first post today. Regarding my comment about the Dr. Horrible video on youTube, I got a response from another independent filmmaker.

Appreciate it!

Friday, July 18, 2008


Wow! A cyberfriend is going to Prague. I am so excited for her going to Prague! I have been reading about Prague and talking to other friends about Prague. Another friend and his fiancee are currently in Prague.

He recommends a walking tour of Prague and a visit to the Prague Castle. I am quoting what my friend said during his visit to Prague.

"Another way of seeing Prague's old town is from the roof terrace of the U Prince anyone can go into the hotel walk towards the back you will see the lift which will take you to the roof terrace there you can enjoy a very nice meal or just enjoy a drink and take in the fantastic views of Prague.

It is directly across from the famous 'astrological clock" tower. A must see. "

He also recommended the Trip Advisor:
"Prague: A short stay in Prague - TripAdvisor

Inside Prague: A short stay in Prague - Before you visit Prague, visit TripAdvisor for the latest info and advice, written for travelers by travelers."

He thought this website offers tips for people going to Prague.


Have you read any good books lately?

Just finished Razor's Edge by Somerset Maugham.  This was my first foray into reading one of Somerset Maugham's novels.  Now I see why several friends mentioned him as their favorite author.  He has a way of writing that attracts me as a reader.  I continue to think about the different characters in the novel.  

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Mediabistro is a group of media people. They offer online classes. They throw great parties for everyone in the media industry. Sometimes it is for writers only. Sometimes the focus is on film industry people. Sometimes it is for everyone in all types of media. They have a job board. These photos were taken at a mediabistro event about a year ago.

New Myers-Briggs test

A brilliant friend said that the MBTI should include the explorer/negotiator personality types. I agree. Just took this new test sans the explorer/negotiator types. So much fun taking this test.

You Are An ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.

You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules.

Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.

You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller!

In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart.

You often don't follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. And you do break a lot of hearts.

At work, you are driven but not a workaholic. You just always seem to enjoy what you do.

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

How you see yourself: compassionate, unselfish, and understanding

When other people don't get you, they see you as: gushy, emotional, and unfocused

Monday, July 14, 2008

Color Me Impressed

My friends and cyberbuddies' websites are impressive. Check them out!

Trying out links

Trying out new links.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Get Smart

Finally got to see Get Smart this weekend. Steve Carrell was so funny! Recommend this film to friends.

About Me

Learning how to navigate the world of blogging.