Friday, July 18, 2008


Wow! A cyberfriend is going to Prague. I am so excited for her going to Prague! I have been reading about Prague and talking to other friends about Prague. Another friend and his fiancee are currently in Prague.

He recommends a walking tour of Prague and a visit to the Prague Castle. I am quoting what my friend said during his visit to Prague.

"Another way of seeing Prague's old town is from the roof terrace of the U Prince anyone can go into the hotel walk towards the back you will see the lift which will take you to the roof terrace there you can enjoy a very nice meal or just enjoy a drink and take in the fantastic views of Prague.

It is directly across from the famous 'astrological clock" tower. A must see. "

He also recommended the Trip Advisor:
"Prague: A short stay in Prague - TripAdvisor

Inside Prague: A short stay in Prague - Before you visit Prague, visit TripAdvisor for the latest info and advice, written for travelers by travelers."

He thought this website offers tips for people going to Prague.


Kidsis said...

Gosh i hope I actually make it there. Urgh. So tired of moving.

So another person on KFMonkey's blog asked for closed captioning on Joss's Dr. horrible movie. Just wanted to let you know this is how I responded:

Jeff, someone else mentioned the same thing on my blog. I would join the Dr. Horrible community and post it there. Joss at least seems very responsive to fans and in touch with their needs. And I can tell you as an indie filmmaker who never thought of it before, I'm going to make sure all future distributors of my products inlude it. Thanks for educating us.

Bibliophile said...


Thanks! Really appreciate your feedback on this. One of the arguments they made about DVDs in the beginning was that ALL DVDs will have subtitles or closed captioning.

Bibliophile said...

You made it here :) Totally understand the feeling about moving.

Are you excited about Prague????

Thanks again for your response. I tried out the and there is a CC feature. It's really easy to turn on the captions. So if someone does not want captions, no need to turn it on. Each video like the one for Burn Notice or the Simpsons, among others, will have a symbol to say if it has CC. Burn Notice does not, though it has captions on my cable TV. There is the CC symbol in the box next to the Simpsons.

Thanks in advance for making sure that all future distributors of your products include the captions feature, Had a thought. In Prague, if you make a film in the Czech language, it can have English subtitles for English audiences.

inkdestroyedmybrush said...

used trip advisor quite a bit before leaving for london and paris and it totally rocked with great suggestions. just a thumbs up on using that site.

Bibliophile said...

Thanks! I did not know about Trip Advisor until a travelling friend sent me the website. Good to know that you used TripAdvisor for your trip to London.